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Fire Prevention

Emergency Preparedness

-Maintain an emergency water supply, that meets fire department standards, through one of the following:

  • -a community water/hydrant system;
  • -a cooperative emergency storage tank with neighbors;
  • -a minimum storage supply of 2,500 gallons on your property.

-Clearly mark all emergency water sources and maintain easy firefighter access to these water sources.

-If your water comes from a well, consider an emergency generator to operate the pump during a power failure.

-Store at least a three-day supply of drinking water and food that does not require refrigeration and generally does not need cooking.

-Store first aid supplies, portable radio, flashlight, emergency cooking equipment, portable lanterns and batteries.

-Prepare a list of valuables to take with you in case of evacuation; if possible, store these valuables together to save time later.

-Pre-plan an escape route from your home and neighborhood. Designate an emergency meeting place for the reunion of family members escaping in separate vehicles, and establish a contact point to communicate with concerned relatives.

-Practice emergency exit drills regularly.

-Make sure that all family members are ready to protect themselves with STOP, DROP AND ROLL if their clothes should catch on fire.

Learn About Fire Prevention

Here are some important fire prevention areas to focus on:

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